Take your surf sessions to the next level

Check surf forecasts, log surf sessions and get personalized surf reports for your surf spots. Surfnerd is the best surf forecasting app out there.

Save your surf spots

Keep your favorite spots in one place. Easily compare forecasts between spots & see how often you surfed there.

Log your surf sessions

Rate your sessions by height and quality. Compare upcoming forecasts with your previous sessions.

Get personalized surf reports

Our algorithm compares your sessions to the upcoming forecast. Get predicted height and surf score based on your earlier sessions.

Living in The Netherlands, the North Sea is our home. Perhaps you know what our surf is like. Inconsistent wind swell, usually offering just a few two or three hour surf-windows per week. If you don't plan right, it could lead to some very disappointing trips to the beach. We wanted to make sure that when there are waves, we were out there. So we went deep on forecasting.

We started keeping track of our sessions, attempting to compare them. Our thinking was that by tracking the conditions of our sessions, and by comparing them to the upcoming forecast, we would learn to understand when it's the best time to go. We probably all try to do this in our heads.

Then we built Surfnerd to save our sessions and wrote an algorithm that predicts when it's the best time to surf, based on how we rated our previous surf sessions in similar conditions.

With this beautiful project we want to help other surfers get the best waves at their local surf spot. Be it in Denmark, Italy, Taiwan, France, China, Alaska, Florida, California or any other spot at which our planet produces this beautiful phenomenon we call waves.

In the way we analyze our oceans, seas and lakes, the way we enjoy this activity not as a sport but as a lifestyle, the way we cover ourselves in dust to build our own boards and the way we travel the world to surf the waves of our dreams, there's one thing that's for sure: We're all nerds.

We hope Surfnerd helps you catch the waves you're looking for. We love to hear your thoughts. Email us at [email protected].

Joris & Sander

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